+47 912 47 980
Reinunga Eco-Hytta is just 80 meters from the train stop "Reinunga" !
We recommend buying the tickets at or directly at the train station.
Get a ticket to "Myrdal" train station from Oslo (approximately 5 hours).
Here you have two options, you can either walk the 2 km mountain path to Reinunga or go by train on the famous Flåmsbana train line. If you come by train, remember to ask for the "Reinunga" stop.
Reinunga Eco-Hytta is just 80 meters from the train stop "Reinunga". GPS : 60.7440°N, 7.1414E
"Nattoget", Nordahl Grieg: Translated from Norwegian
The train passes calmly across Eastern Norway
The frosty sky shines, star by star
The chariot rolls quietly along the ridge,
Where its brethren roar against the iron.
The people sleep inside the night train,
Safe in the friendly, warm cabin
The cradle rests from the song of the wheels
They are carried through the night and the snow.
Blood-red sparks fly along the stars
Up from the shaking locomotive.
The door opens; the coals are thrown in.
Here the men struggle, here life sings.
But into the unknown night they speed,
It sings, too, in wills that are taut –
Shovels in the blizzard, messages through the wires,
Hear us, be ready - the night train is expected!
The high mountain machine snorts towards the stormy night,
The forces stretch it, shiny, slender,
Forward into a beauty that ends in the snowplow,
Proud as a purpose, free as a thought!
The surf froths and surges against the steel breast,
And is broken by the iron-plow's flame that flies.
The man on the floor grips his shovel;
The embers flicker, the snowdrift is blown away. -
It sang in the wires Avalanche at Reinunga!
Hi, the rotary sets up the steam,
Charges along the line, picks up the men,
Trembling with tremendous forces against the fight.
Screeching, the flying knives cut
Through the avalanche, swirls and propels
The snow to heaven; staggers forward
Foot by foot along the strings of the rails.
The men lean at dawn, over the shovels,
Freezing they wait: there is a noise,
The night train whistles! Inside the carriages
Someone wakes up and complains about the heat.
Then it's gone, the roar of the night train!
Out in the freedom the men broke
Storms with many a jubilant sound,
Bursts along the gorges, slams into cuts,
Lightning in the sunshine, down, down,
The valleys tremble under its song!
The speed is increased, rushing west!
The goal is near, yes in the wind from the sea
Raises the steel shout, triumphantly proud!
The ships respond; the ships understand that –
Those who have to go through the darkness and the storm…
The night train stops. The route is kept.
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To help absorb the CO2 emissions generated by this site, a tree was planted with the company Ecotree.
Reinunga Experience AS, 929 303 695 MVA